I was falling into the abyss when your voice I heard
And my soul you caught by reminding me that I’m not alone.
Oh, to be loved as the creator intended each to be.
And that none should fall by the way as a song unsung.
Never missed nor sometimes thought of
But remembered
And that memory acted upon.
What a feat to undertake;
To reach out into the darkness,
To raise one’s soul out of the time line
And glare into the universe that is all encompassing
To glimpse a shooting star,
Which was and is my soul.
And with determined intent you pressed that electronic
And snared me with a tagline
Anchoring me to your loving concern
You redirected my trajectory
By reminding me of the whole of which I am a part
And as a shining star you’ve become that beacon
That beckons me home.
The whole of which I am a part
And to know that when I am not
I will be missed.
Sammie L. Carter
June 30, 2011
YOU Lynn