The earth has existed about 4 Billion years. Man Kind has been here
10 Million years but modern Man has achieved and destroyed all that you see and have heard roomer-ed in the last 3,000 years! That includes very good things and very bad things. The point is we have the ability to do great things, if we choose to.”
10 Million years but modern Man has achieved and destroyed all that you see and have heard roomer-ed in the last 3,000 years! That includes very good things and very bad things. The point is we have the ability to do great things, if we choose to.”
I believe that time need not be an
enemy; it could be a saving grace, in deed.
We are created in the image of the
eternal but placed in a temporal university to learn. And being that our
actions are temporal, our mess needs not last forever.
Knowledge has been placed in us,
although we deny it, as if ignorance after the fact is an excuse. I offer a simple definition for this concept
called “Knowledge”: It is the accumulation of facts. True to the intent, it has
been left to us to agree upon word meanings that describe or refer to elements
of information. When we then use a specific word or combination of words to
refer to a specific body of information and\or reasoning, we are said to
“Understand”. This is a necessary step
toward learning to “Communicate” When we have amassed enough words that we have
agreed to use in defining and describing our interaction with each other as
well as the effect of that interaction,
we are said to “Comprehend” the lesson we have learned.
Life is a moot court of sorts. Some speak to the predetermined ness of it
but still there are decisions to be made at every crossroad of redefinition or when
ever new information or experience is added to the knowledge bank. We must note
the repetitiveness of the experiences and the consequences that follow; I think
this is called “Wisdom”? Still, we must choose
to continue or change in some way the direction we travel or the way we
interact with our environment and those life forms we encounter along that way.
Still, “predetermination” applies more with the syllabus of this “Life Course” in
which we are enrolled than in the decisions we make along the way. Therefore, one
might reason that there is possibly a predetermined amount of information to
assimilate in this class. This information registers in me as knowledge, understanding
and comprehension of the information experiences assimilated along this way.
Author: Sammie L.Carter
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